Issues/Bugs on the new version (3.001)

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Talking about the drag3dSensitivity addition. I have changed its value to its minimum "0.01" and the result is that it improves a LOT its sensitivity. But it only happens while MOVING CONTROL POINTS around the model. Other than that, working with my tablet is not possible.
Another different situation is while DRAGGING or ROTATING things in the 3D view window. Here the drag3dSensitivity´s improvement is zero, like if there is a need for another "drag3dSensitivity" control for the 3d view while dragging and rotating.

"You can change the background by clicking on the Scene node and changing its backgroundColor field."
Thank you. One more thing. How can I save this change as a default into Seamless? Opening it again it shows the previous colour.

When using the SPACE-BAR shortcut key, it stops working in all Modes, except the PolyEditMode, in which it works OK.
Open Seamless. Create an sphere. Go right into the ModellingMode, for instance.The FIRST time you hit the shortcut it WILL work OK and will show the cage mode of the sphere. Hit it again and it will toggle. Now move/drag the sphere in the 3dwindow: the shortcut key will not work any more and will be freeze to the previous action.
Following the HeadTutorial I stop at 4:10min, when applying the first Ring. The Ring was applied correctly, but when I try to change the position of the pivot point dragging the blue point, it behaves like its X,Z and Y axis were wrong: dragging the blue point DOWN, it just moves UP on the 3Dview. Dragging it to the LEFT the cursor moves to the RIGHT, and vice-versa

By the way, while using the shortcuts keys already assigned, I found out that there is a "Backface Ignore" check-box inside the Settings Panel. Is this feature the same as the "Backface Ignore" found inside the Modelling-Mode? They behave differently but have the same name.


Carlos - 2013-12-03 20:57:39

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Hi Carlos thanks for your feedback.

You can specify values less than .01 for the drag3dSensitivity field, (for example .005) if you type the value in (as opposed to using the increment decrement buttons). You can also increment/decrement smaller amounts using the buttons, if you hold down the control key while incrementing/decrementing with the buttons.
I forgot rotating the view is done the say way, so I will also need to adjust the sensitivity and it looks like from your feedback that dragging the view also needs to be adjusted, I will look into it and fix this for the next version.

There is no setting to change the default colour for the background, at least not for now but if you always want a custom colour for your background, you could open a blank file that has this colour saved before creating a new file (or do a “save as” with the blank file).

As I explained in a previous post, I decided to change the space bar so that it toggles zbuffer control cage mode instead of toggling into wireframe mode because the space bar is more useful for this now and it allows me to do much the same thing (be able to see the part of the control cage that is being hidden by the mesh).

“Open Seamless. Create an sphere. Go right into the ModellingMode, for instance.The FIRST time you hit the shortcut it WILL work OK and will show the cage mode of the sphere. Hit it again and it will toggle. Now move/drag the sphere in the 3dwindow: the shortcut key will not work any more and will be freeze to the previous action.”
Which shortcut key?

I just tried making the head up to the stage at 4:10min in the tutorial, and tried dragging the pivot point and I tried doing a few other things that might repeat your experience but all worked as it should for me.
I can only guess at this stage that perhaps you have set some setting somewhere that is making seamless behave differently.
You could try deleting the settings file as explained in the survival guide and/or try creating a new smls file from scratch.
If you want you can send me your smls file at the stage where your pivot point is not dragging correctly so that I can see if the same thing happens for me.

I had almost forgotten about the backfaceIgnore field in the settings panel. I have not used it for years. Yes you’re right, it’s not the same function as the backface ignore button in the toolbar. The toolbar one only affects the control cage (and what can be selected), where as the settings field was meant to make the triangles in the mesh visible from all sides (or not by default).
After unchecking the backfaceIgnore field I found it did not take affect until I restarted seamless and it caused some of my control points to go partially black so I will hide this field from the user as it will only cause problems like this for anyone experimenting and is not needed, at least for now.

thyme - 2013-12-04 07:32:26 in reply to Carlos 2013-12-03 20:57:39

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Carlos I have just realized what I think is probably causing your mouse to drag in the opposite direction (affect the pivot point too). If you have the drag3dSensitivity set to a negative value this will happen, so please check that it is positive. I will have to make it so this field can only be set to a positive value as it is too easy to make negative by mistake.

thyme - 2013-12-04 08:12:17 in reply to Carlos 2013-12-03 20:57:39

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Hi Thyme.

let´s continue:

The Sortcut key I was referring to is the SPACE-BAR: Open Seamless. Create an sphere. Go right into the ModellingMode, for instance. The FIRST time you hit the shortcut (SPACE-BAR) it WILL work OK and will toggle into the cage mode of the sphere. Hit it again and it will toggle again. Now if you move/drag the sphere, or make any other changes to the models in the 3D view, the shortcut key will not work any more and will be freeze to the previous toggle action. The shortcut works OK only inside the PolyEditMode.

The shortcut INSERT CONTROL LINE (CTRL+I) behaves differently when using the RIGHT or LEFT CTRL key on the keyboard:
Clicking LEFT Ctrl+I works OK.
Clicking RIGHT Ctrl+I shows a windows message "A part node must be selected for this command", and if you instead click RIGHT "ALT+I" it shows the right icon on the cursor and the feature works OK. I found the ALT+I control to be more suitable for moving my fingers among the keyboard.

The "SHIFT key + clicking outside the model" for deselecting control points in the model, stops working after making some changes to the model. I will try to get the exact steps for this issue(it is kind of similar to the Grid Issue we faced lately) Sometimes I have to restart Seamless in order to get it working again.

You were right: having a negative value on the drag3dSensitivity feature, makes the blue pivot to behave differently among its axis when moving it.

I have some images form what once I experienced with the control points changing from Red to Black. I also have a file to sent to you in order for you to check it. These images are from the same file/model.

EDITED: I don't know how to sent the file to you


Carlos - 2013-12-04 20:43:19 in reply to thyme 2013-12-04 08:12:17

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Hi Carlos
I tried following your steps with adding a sphere again.
After adding a sphere you are automatically put into modelling mode but if I click the modelling mode button anyway it is fine.
If I immediately then press the space bar (after adding a sphere) I see nothing except the toggle zbuffer control cage button changes state as it should.
I see the control cage for the sphere if I toggle into select patch mode. Is this how you’re seeing the cage for the sphere?
I see the cage change states between being partially hidden and fully shown (if the cage is showing at all) as it should.
If I drag the whole cage (while in select patch mode), I can still toggle with the space bar so I am not sure if I am doing what you’re doing but what you’re explaining by the space bar not always working is consistent with if you clicked on some window such as the scene tree window because this will mean the 3d window no longer will have the focus of a character key such as the space bar (characters keys are used for typing in characters when the scene tree window is in focus) . This is the disadvantage of using such keys as short cut keys but I still prefer using them because you can easily press them with your left hand while your right hand is on the mouse.

I have made Control, Shift and Alt keys behave differently for left and right in seamless. There is less of a need for left and right behaving differently for Seamless III but I can still see the advantage of left and right functioning differently. For example when adding bones in skeleton edit mode the right control key can be handy for quickly adding a bone where as this would be problematic if we used the left control key as it is already used for preventing the user from dragging a control point (so that it can be selected without dragging it).

To post an image on this forum it must be jpg
There no longer seems to be a need to send me a smls file but in the future if you want to send me a smls file just add the smls file as an attachment to an email. If your email program wont let you attach a smls file try win-zipping it first.
My email address is in the main menu (to the left) of this site.

thyme - 2013-12-07 06:40:48 in reply to Carlos 2013-12-04 20:43:19

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zbuffer control cage on

Hi Carlos, thanks for making a video however I still think you misunderstand what I tried to explain here on the forum.
I changed 3.001 so that the Space bar does NOT toggle into wireframe mode like it use to. Instead it toggles zbuffer control cage mode. (the control cage is made of the cyan coloured lines and should not be confused with the lines you see in wireframe mode)
For example see the 2 screen-shots posted here of my reindeer I made today.
Both screenshots were taken with wire frame mode off and in ignore blackface select mode. The only difference is one is with zbuffer control cage on the other with zbuffer control cage off.
So if you press the space bar this is what will change when you are in modelling mode now.

thyme - 2013-12-15 03:39:29 in reply to Carlos 2013-12-04 20:43:19

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zbuffer control cage off

Remember you asked how to hide the control cage to make it less confusing? well this is one very effect way to do just that, When zbuffer control cage is on any part of the control cage that is behind the mesh wont be shown so will be much less confusing where there are lots of lines showing through.
best wishes

thyme - 2013-12-15 03:42:12 in reply to thyme 2013-12-15 03:39:29

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Hi Thyme

I was confused with what you were talking about before. But for what you explained I was mistaken the wireframe mode with the one zbuffer. Now it is OK.

So, what exactly "zbuffer" means here? The "z" has something to do with the coordinates? Just curiosity, that is all.

Nice renders of the animal. I myself tried to make a different model (not the head, but a banana) and just gave it up. I was not able to do it, but I will wait till I get more understanding to work better with Seamless3D. And more tutorials to follow.

Carlos - 2013-12-15 14:58:08 in reply to thyme 2013-12-15 03:39:29

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Thanks Carlos, Sorry I have not had any new tutorials to follow from my modelling a human head yet. I am still finding easier ways to model characters for beginners and I have been working on the new version getting it ready for the new tutorials which I hope I will be able to start making soon. To make a banana I would begin with a nurbs lathe like I show in the head tutorial but I would create it while out of "create mirror object mode" so that it can be bent looking from front view (not limited to being symmetrical). I would also tick the lathe's beginSP and endSP fields so that the ends are closed before converting it to a patch. Making a banana is of course much easier than modelling a head (when you know how) but I have shown how to make a head first because a thousand different faces can evoke more than a thousand different feelings, just a single face is capable of many different expressions, where as bananas are not capable of stirring our feelings in such a varied way. So if you can model a monkey’s head like you said using seamless (which I would love to see BTW), the possibilities one can go from there are pretty much endless.

3D programs use a zbuffer to know the position of a pixel in the z dimension. This allows the program to know if to write a pixel over another pixel it has already rendered.

thyme - 2014-01-06 06:57:03 in reply to Carlos 2013-12-15 14:58:08

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