Seamless3d don't runs on windows 8

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Hi, I've installed Seamless on my computer today and I can't open it. It ask for DirectX8.1 o higher.

Now I'm using DirectX11. There is any solution?


Xavi - 2015-03-04 17:02:16

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Hi Xavi, sorry for the delay in replying.
I have not had anyone say they have had trouble with windows 8 before but I am not sure if any current users are using windows 8 so I will look into it. I would guess the latest DirectX would stay compatible with DirectX 8.1 for some time yet. I have DirectX11 installed on my computer but I am using windows 7 Perhaps there is some dll file on my computer that does not come with the latest DirectX11 run time libraries. I am currently working on an OpenGL version of seamless so that it can run on other operating systems and have been thinking about writing a version of seamless for Directx11 too. I am hoping to get access to a computer that has windows 8 sometime in the not too distant future so I should sooner or later find a solution to your problem. Thanks very much for the feedback and very sorry for your inconvenience, best wishes, thyme

thyme - 2015-03-11 01:10:54 in reply to Xavi 2015-03-04 17:02:16

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