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Examples for this Tutorial contained in

The ColorSweep  Node

Example file burntCheese.smls is the same as twoSineTugs.smls with a ColorSweep  node added. The ColorSweep node is set up to USE the land Partnode. This simply means the ColorSweep node is set up to color the Part land. The ColorSweep node is set to a straight vertical (default orientation) color sweep from 1 1 0 (yellow) to 1 .5 0 (orange) with a distance of 7.5 meters between the colors. In the 3d window we should now see an image of nearly burnt cheese on toast, an image I have been trying to achieve for most of my life.
The ColorSweep node has 4 different modes of operation, straight, mirror, cylindrical and spherical but for the time being, only straight and spherical work.

sphericalColorSweep.smls is the same as burntCheese.smls with another ColorSweep node added set up to operaste in  spherical mode. The second colorSweep node is located at -39 0 40 and starting from the center of the sphere with the color .5 .5 1 (light blue) moving out to a distance of 15 meters with this same color and for the last 10 meters it is set to fade out to yellow the same color as the background.

twoSphericalColorSweep.smls is the same as sphericalColorSweep.smls with another spherical color sweep added located at  -12.5 0 55.

There is a problem whith the color sweep fading out to yellow where it crosses over into blue from the previous color sweep

Example twoSphericalColorSweepOpacity.smls solves this problem by instead of fading the color out to yellow for the last 10 meters,  it has all 3 colors set to light blue but has the opacity field set to 0 for the last 10 meters. This results in the light blue color for the last 10 meters blending in with what ever the background color is.

And there we have it, land for a world that is made from a few simple techniques. We can of course make it more complex by adding more sine tugs and more spherical color sweeps. This tutorial is complete however for showing how to do this. It should now be possible for anyone to experiment with endless combinations of different values.

Seamless3d Node Index

Copyright© 2000-2006 Graham Perrett