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Examples for this Tutorial contained in

   The SineTug  Node

I cant think of a more natural way to demonstrate using the SineTug node than to make some land and use the SineTug node to tug the hills
Seamless way example file flatLand.smls is a stem node set up to generate a grid of triangles 100 by 100 meters, 51 by 51 vertex points which means we have 50 by 50 2 meter squares, each square containing 2 triangles.
The slide field set to -50 to center the gid and the orientation is set to 1 0 0 -1.570796 so that the land is horizontal with the triangles visiable from above. To see see the large flat triangle grid click on the 3d scene and tilt the view slightly (right drag down with mouse) and zoom out by holding down the minus key until u see most of the flat land.


Example file oneSineTug.smls is the same as flatLand.smls except a SurfaceGenerator  node containing a SineTug   node is added to the file.

The SineTug node has one tug located at 0 -1 0 with a radius of 30 and tugged up to a distance of 7 meters

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Example file twoSineTugs.smls is the same as oneSineTug.smls with another tug added. The second tug is located to the right at a location of 30 -1 0 with a radius of 20 and tugged up to a distance of 5 meters.

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Seamless3d Node Index

Copyright© 2000-2006 Graham Perrett