Seamless3d Node Index

The Stem  Node

The example stem.smls file from the contains a minimalist set up using a Stem node.
Because the stem node USEs the Part torso the triangles that the stem node generates will end up in the part torso
The Stem node generates a flat grid of vertical triangles. The width of the grid is detirmined by the xDistance field and the height by the yDistance.
The density of the triangles is detirmined by the two fields staves and bands.
staves specifies the number of  verticle triangles strips.
bands specifies the number of  horizontal triangle strips.
If joinEnds is checked the vertices from the right side will be joined to the vertices on the left side.
If insideOut is checked the visible and invisible sides of the triangles will be swapped.
If beginSP is checked the first band of triangles will begin with a single vertex point
If endSP is checked the last band of triangles will end with a single vertex point
The slide fields translates the grid in x and y space.
orientation modifies the orientation of the grid after it has been translated by the slide field.
If for example we want to construct a flat landscape all we need to do is type in the value 1 0 0 -1.570796 into the orientation field (rotate on the x axis .5 of -PI radians (-90 degrees)).
If sync is checked the Stem is synchronised to a decendent CCLathe if the CCLathe is the first node in the SurfaceGenerator.

stem2Segments.smls from the is the same as stem.smls except another grid of vertices is joined on top so that the triangles generated by the Stem is now composed of 2 segments. bands specifies the number of horizontal strips of triangles for each segment. Each segment's height is defined by yDistance

Seamless3d Node Index

Copyright© 2000-2006 Graham Perrett