Features, Refinements and Bug Fixes for 3.024

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A BendyCylinder node has been added. A BendyCylinder can be thought of as a NurbsLine that has a radius field to specify the thickness of the line. Same as a NurbsLine, the rectangle select tool and the Transform control point control panel can be applied to BendyCylinders and BendyCylinders can be duplicated the same way NurbsPatches are too. BendyCylinders are demonstrated in the Modelling Teeth, Blue Spherical Eyes & Eyelashes for Our Animated Character tutorial.

When duplicating patches the duplicated patches don't get selected.

When adding a NurbsLathe the spindle scales automatically in relation to zoom

When adding a Sphere the radius field is initiated in relation to zoom

The xDistance field is now automatically changed for a stem belonging to a mirror twin patch.

When the grid is set to snap and when adding a NurbsLathe, the new control points snap when added.

The Mouse no longer locks onto hidden mid points for a NurbsLathe.

Empty Groups are now automatically removed when Grouping Patches.

Fixed being able to delete a Seamless node from the scene tree window, no longer crashes.

Fixed convert to lathe specifying stem node and or ColorSweep plugged in old place.

Stem nodes are not autoSynced when converting a Sphere or Lathe to patches

Code has been added to prevent a crash when the convertToPatches button is clicked when the selected node is not the type that can be converted.

thyme - 2023-09-14 11:43:11

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