Features, Refinements and Bug Fixes for 3.027

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This version has been worked through for the tutorial: Adjusting the Proportions of our Animated Character Using the Freeze Pose to Model Feature

Toggle auto capture button added to the anim bar.

By default, when you pose your character in animation mode, the pose will be captured to the animation sequence. (Auto Capture Mode)

Freeze to pose to model button added to the anim bar.

This feature is covered in the new tutorial.

Toggle mirror pose mode button added to the anim bar.

By default mirror pose mode is off. When on, the opposite limbs in a character will mirror the limbs you pose.

Capture frame button added to the anim bar.

Manually capturing a frame can be useful when you want to record a pose on the time line somewhere between two existing captured poses. This button also allows you to create an animated sequence with auto capture off.

Rotate UV Index button added to the modelling bar.

This can be used to change the direction a ColorSweep sweeps the colours.

Generate polies for selected patches button added to the modelling bar.

Now that Seamless3d no longer regenerates all the polygons for all the patches after operations that modify the nurbs structure, I thought I better add this button in case some patches need to be manually regenerated. The user need only select the patches by selecting any number of control points for the patches to use this button.

thyme - 2024-01-05 01:34:12

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