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Hello thyme.
I'd like to help this project grow, and even if I'm not a real developer, I could be useful in various ways.
My ieea is to get rid of mfc in turn of qt, use the qt l10n system and migrate directx to opengl.
I didn't read all the code, so maybe i'm missing something.

Beside, i would like to export svg from seamless, the same way i export x3d.

Powerful - 2017-08-27 02:53:47

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Hi Powerful
Seamless3d does not use MFC but is dependent on some Win32 system calls for the interface and of course uses DirectX to render in real time.
About a year or 2 ago I spent some intensive months trying to get seamless to work in QT.
I managed to get most of the code to compile using the gcc compiler however I did this by cutting out much of the interface and the script compiler that seamless uses for animation. I was able to load a smls file in Linux with it using OpenGL to render the polygons and I was even able to drag control points and orientate the view but a lot more work was needed to get seamless to be able to let the user get any serious work done with it. I would have liked to have done more but it had already used up a lot of my time which I much needed for other things. Getting Seamless III to where it is now has been a struggle and I have learnt the hard way to be weary of taking on things that can end up opening lots of cans of worms. The latest Visual C++ compiler I read can compile code for Linux so if I install this compiler when I update to DirectX 12, this might be a faster path to getting a fully functioning version of seamless to run natively in Linux.

thyme - 2017-08-27 06:35:53 in reply to Powerful 2017-08-27 02:53:47

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What a sin, I would have ported from Qt creator directly to Android/iOS/WP...
Trust me, mobile devices really miss something like Seamless3D, because even if (on Android) there are apps which does a portion each of what Seamless3D does, they're not interoperable.
What about wxWidgets then? I guess the problem is still DirectX, but wxWidgets uses native Widgets depending on the host OS, and is on the way to be ported on Android and iOS.
Not bad the idea of cross compiling to Linux, but is the DirectX dependency solved if you do?

Thanks for answer by the way, let me know if/what can I do.

Powerful - 2017-08-27 06:43:32 in reply to thyme 2017-08-27 06:35:53

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Note OpenGL is right handed, while DirectX is left.
Your problem could be caused by flipped normals.

Powerful - 2017-08-28 17:38:54 in reply to thyme 2017-08-27 06:35:53

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I have been busy the last few days installing compilers, Linux Mint, playing with DirectX examples and revisiting where I left my work on the QT OpenGL version. Nothing has been plain sailing but I did manage to get the QT version to compile for Android back in mid 2015. I failed to get the current version of Seamless to link with VisualC 2017 and it took a lot of effort to get a simple example of DirectX11 (I gave up on DirectX12) to compile and run. I want to continue working with DirectX but right now I am feeling more positive about focusing my energy on QT/OpenGL. I need to update the files in the QT version which may take some time but should offer no major challenge after all the work I did on this in 2015. After that I want to try getting the seamless toolbar to function using OpenGL. Seamless like most 3d modellers has it's own specialised GUI. Since the GUI uses DirectX functions to plot the pixels, I need to find a way to do this using OpenGL.
Once that is solved I see little getting in the way of getting an OpenGL version of seamless where the user can follow the Seamless3d III tutorials.

thyme - 2017-09-02 05:28:31 in reply to Powerful 2017-08-27 06:43:32

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As you can see in this photo I took of seamless running in my android next to my desktop, meshes render fine using OpenGL. Notice the colours look better on my android, I guess because it has a higher quality screen.
DirectX can be set to right handed. Seamless like VRML use right handed.

thyme - 2017-09-02 06:01:54 in reply to Powerful 2017-08-28 17:38:54

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SDL can be used to plot pixels and to draw GUIs or HUDs.
Any SDL context can be used to do OpenGL calls.
Note SDL also manages audio. You could finally replace DirectPlay with SDL_Net.

Powerful - 2017-09-02 08:06:17 in reply to thyme 2017-09-02 05:28:31

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