Cubic Bezier Spline Support for 3.020

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Heart made from 2 Cubic Bezier Splines

3.020 has been worked through for the latest tutorial:
Add/Insert Extra Bones & Improve Joint Bending
and has had a number of minor bug fixes.
Support for Cubic Bezier Splines in NurbsLine nodes has been added. To create a cubic bezier spline, first you need a NurbsLine which can be created in Home mode by clicking on the create nurbs line button and then clicking 3 or more times in the 3d window to add the control points. To convert the spline into a cubic bezier spline, right click on the NurbsLine node in the scene tree window and select: "2 U mid points". This will add extra control points for the Cubic Bezier Spline without changing the shape of your original NurbsLine. With a Cubic Bezier Spline you have anchor points indicated by their colour cyan and 2 control points between the anchor points indicated by their colour green. Cubic bezier splines may sound more complicated but they are intuitive and make it easier to create smoother curves and they let you have direct control over the anchor points which can be very useful.

NurbsPatches can also be converted to Cubic Bezier patches but this is currently limited to the patches must be non stitched.

3.020 Allows for more than 1 bone to be set up for reverse hierarchical animation for IK and lets 1 bone to be set up for reverse hierarchical animation for FK.

Most of the work for 3.020 has gone into developing new curvy guided animation features but these features are not yet ready for public use.

thyme - 2023-05-16 21:29:05

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